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Name Sym Prev Open High Low Last Trade Change Last Update
LEAN HOGS  Dec 24 @HE4Z 77.825 77.725 78.475 76.800 78.250 0.450 1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Feb 25 @HE5G 81.850 81.500 82.425 80.900 82.225 0.400 1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Apr 25 @HE5J 85.625 85.450 86.125 84.800 85.850 0.300 1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  May 25 @HE5K 89.000 89.100 89.450 88.600 89.325 0.400 1:03P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Jun 25 @HE5M 96.325 96.325 96.800 95.650 96.650 0.400 1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Jul 25 @HE5N 96.375 96.375 96.850 95.875 96.750 0.375 1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Aug 25 @HE5Q 95.100 95.100 95.450 94.775 95.375 0.300 1:04P Oct 21
LEAN HOGS  Oct 25 @HE5V 79.750 79.725 79.950 79.600 79.875 0.150 1:01P Oct 21
CORN  Dec 24 @C4Z 404'6 403'6 411'6 403'0 409'4 4'6 1:19P Oct 21
CORN  Mar 25 @C5H 419'0 418'0 425'2 417'4 423'0 4'2 1:19P Oct 21
CORN  May 25 @C5K 426'4 425'6 432'6 425'2 430'0 4'0 1:19P Oct 21
CORN  Jul 25 @C5N 431'2 430'4 436'6 430'0 434'2 3'4 1:19P Oct 21
CORN  Sep 25 @C5U 428'4 428'2 432'6 428'0 430'2 2'0 1:19P Oct 21
CORN  Dec 25 @C5Z 435'2 435'2 439'4 434'6 436'6 2'0 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  Nov 24 @S4X 970'0 970'0 983'6 969'0 980'2 11'0 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  Jan 25 @S5F 982'6 982'4 993'2 981'6 989'2 7'0 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  Mar 25 @S5H 996'2 996'2 1005'4 995'0 1001'4 5'6 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  May 25 @S5K 1011'0 1010'6 1019'6 1010'0 1015'6 5'0 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  Jul 25 @S5N 1023'0 1023'4 1031'4 1021'6 1027'4 5'2 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEANS  Aug 25 @S5Q 1024'0 1023'6 1032'6 1023'0 1028'6 5'4 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEAN MEAL  Dec 24 @SM4Z 3156 3156 3196 3154 3183 27 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEAN MEAL  Jan 25 @SM5F 3133 3133 3166 3129 3150 17 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEAN MEAL  Mar 25 @SM5H 3136 3136 3161 3133 3146 11 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEAN MEAL  May 25 @SM5K 3159 3159 3179 3154 3165 7 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEAN MEAL  Jul 25 @SM5N 3191 3193 3210 3186 3195 4 1:19P Oct 21
SOYBEAN MEAL  Aug 25 @SM5Q 3196 3198 3213 3192 3198 3 1:19P Oct 21

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Exchange:  CME
Last Trade:  78.250
Change:  0.450
Bid:  77.875
Ask:  78.250
Today's High:  78.475
Today's Low:  76.800
Volume:  17,782
Open:  77.725
Settle:  78.275s
Prev:  77.825
Contract High: 
Contract Low: 
Updated:  Oct-21-2024
Delay Time:  10 Minutes

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2024 Hard Red and Soft Red Winter Wheat Crop Quality Good Overall
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Posted at Monday, October 21, 2024 10:39AM CDT
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